Sunday, October 14, 2012

Go Natural - During 'gonatural Week'

Typically the words ‘go natural’ bring thoughts of not colouring or straightening hair to mind. But to many people those same words mean an opportunity to experience the stress relieving freedom that nude recreation brings.

New Zealand Naturist Federation announces “gonatural Week” will be held nationwide from 20th ~ 28th October. This annual week begins on Labour Weekend, which generally signals to New Zealanders the beginning of the warmer weather.

Naturism is by definition "a way of life in harmony with nature, expressed through social nudity, linked to self-respect and tolerance of differing views together with respect for the environment”. Naturism is a holistic approach to healthy living that leads to an improvement in both physical and mental health, stemming from a person feeling better about themselves and their body.

But don’t just take our word for it.

Naturist clubs throughout the country will be celebrating their healthy lifestyle by holding various events during the week. Some clubs are holding open days inviting individuals, couples and families to visit and discover the many benefits of naturism for good health and well being - but there is no obligation to get undressed.

We hope that you can accept our invitation to visit one of these venues and have the opportunity to meet some members and to better understand what naturism is all about. And once you have, you will wonder why you didn’t ‘gonatural ‘ years ago.

To find out more about the naturist community in New Zealand, check out our website or for more information about ‘gonatural Week’ please contact Donna Miller